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King Solomon International Business School

Vision, Values and Virtues

Pointing at Globe

Our vision

The vision for King Solomon International Business School (King Solomon)  is to be  an all through multi-denominational  faith designated Christian school which seeks to  achieve education  excellence, develop students with exemplary character, prepare students to effectively live, work and trade in the global economy and ensure all students succeed.

Our core values

We value:

  • The Bible as being the most important book ever written
  • Education as being an essential tool for preparing  our students to effectively live, work and trade in the global economy
  • The Fruit of the Spirit as our character development framework
  • Christian unified fellowship for worship, prayer and to help the disadvantaged
  • Our students, parents, staff and other key stakeholder and treat them the way we would want to be treated
  • Business, community, and school partnerships locally, nationally and globally
  • The pursuit of excellence in all we do

Our core virtues

The moral standards we use as our compass for character development are based on the virtues associated with the Fruit of the Spirit, i.e.: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, and self-control. 

What makes our school special?

  • We provide a broad and balanced curriculum with an international business and enterprise focus
  • We are a multi-denominational Christian school that also welcomes children of all faiths as well as those with no faith
  • An all-through school
  • We are part of the Woodard family of Christian schools
  • High attainment expectations for every child
  • Extended school days
  • Weekend master classes and school holiday programme
  • High levels of pastoral care
  • Strong discipline
  • We provide a Parent College to support and empower parents as co-educators of their children
  • Free to attend


The King Solomon Experience can be summed up in the following ways:

The Christian Life of the School: Christian Education is at the heart of life at King Solomon. We have an excellent Christian education programme which is integrated into the curriculum as well as taught as a discreet subject. We follow the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus which includes the study of other major faiths.

• The Christian ethos of King Solomon supports our commitment to fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These British values are integrated into the curriculum and extra curriculum activities of the school.

• Christian Business Ethics: The Biblical character, King Solomon, was not only renowned in his era for his wisdom, but also for being a highly successful international business trader. At King Solomon students will be taught Christian business ethics to underpin their approach to doing business.

• A Fair-trade school; we are committed to making a real difference to third world producers through the school’s buying power. Global Social Action King Solomon is ‘a school in the heart of Birmingham which reaches out to its local community, its nation and its world’. The school, through its social action projects, is actively involved in meeting the needs of its local, national and international community.

• Staff commitment to the Christian ethos of the school, receive training on Christian values and ethos. They are expected to model the virtues we seek to develop in the students.

• Commitment to developing close relationships with parents and other key family members. There are opportunities for parents to be involved in our Parents’ College, Parents School Partnership (PSP), parent’s prayer meetings, parents training and development programmes, family events and access our family counselling service.

• We value Faith Partnership with churches, church establishment and networks as well as partnership with other faith groups.

• A Chaplaincy team leads and facilitates our worship prayer for all year groups. We also have visits to local churches.